Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2 year anniversary and catch up :)

I just realized it's been forever since I wrote anything!  Travis and I were officially 2 years married on April 5, 2010, but we celebrated the weekend in Sedona, AZ - going to the hippie type shops and hiking all day Saturday!  We even had coldstone on Friday, but it's just too rich for me - Travis has more of a sweet tooth than I do!

So we did 2 separate hikes on Saturday - Cathedral Rock and West Fork.  The elevation was 5000 ft and in Phoenix we are only at 1500 ft, so it was noticeable when you are hiking, so we were out of breath a couple of times, but adjusted quickly.  The view at the top of Cathedral Rock was just amazing. 

West Fork was really cool as the majority of the hike is by Oak Canyon Creek, which is at an all time high b/c of all the rain we've had this year (yes, we've almost had 2 years worth in these 4 months).  We actually got into West Fork for free after we parked far away and walked in.  It was still $2/person to walk in, but we didn't any cash on us, so the nice park ranger let us in for free!  However, West Fork had 5 crossings one way (10 in all, there and back) and those got a little tiresome.  On the first one, Travis literally took off his shoes and socks and walked across the river instead of taking the log/rock way (which honestly was pretty shaky, people were falling in left and right).  Then he rinsed off his feet with the water and a paper towel.  The water was freezing cold, but he said it was worth it.  He crossed on the log/rock path on the way back.  I think we got better on the way back.  Also, on another crossing, Travis actually ended up crawling and bracing each leg on one log, which of course, I was laughing hysterically at that point, but he had the camera, so I didn't capture that kodak moment.  And on the last crossing, trying to help, I found a huge log and threw it in the water hoping it would catch with the other logs and all it did was soak Travis and almost bump him off, so that was funny too.  He was a good sport about it, lol. 

Other than that, Travis is most definitely in full time training mode, he gets up early (4:30) 3 days a week and goes biking and to track, swims and lifts at night and then has his long bike ride/run/swim on the weekend.  I, on the other hand, have been pretty lazy, and maybe getting to the gym 3 times a week. 

Kaia was in town for about 6 days a few weeks ago and that was super fun!  We didn't take any pictures together :( but she always makes me laugh and we had a lot of great talks and went to the pool a couple of times and went on some pretty long walks.  And of course, we ate out plenty.  I wasn't feeling the greatest that week, so I felt pretty bad about that, but we had fun.  We also tried the Latin Fusion dance class at the gym, and that was a total blast!  The music was all in Spanish and everything. 

Well, other than that, I received a "teaching excellence and service" award yesterday at the honor's reception, which was pretty cool.  I am so anxious for school to be done because all the final papers and projects are due in these next few weeks and my students have 3 exams left, which means 52 X 3 to correct for me (yes, whine, whine, whine), so I feel like there is a lot looming ahead.  But then it will all be done and I'll be on my way to Peru with Patsy!  Which I'm definitely looking forward to, not excited about being gone for 4 weeks, but it will probably be the last time I get to do something like this, so Travis and I decided I should go. 

Hope everyone has an awesome week!! 

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