Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby shower & baby room

I've been updating a lot lately, I feel like!  Anyway, the TA ladies that I work with threw me a baby shower this last weekend and it was a total blast!  I even ended up winning the final showcase in the price is right with baby items!  I almost lost out to Ashley, though, we ended up having a tie breaker - good thing I'd done some shopping for baby items recently!  Here is a group shot:

The baby is definitely going to spoiled and he's going to have a lot of super cute outfits - I have to admit, I really love the onesie with the fox on it that says "my mom is a fox".  I definitely don't feel like a fox right now, but I'll get back to my foxy self soon enough, LOL.  But I laugh everytime I look at it.  And the baby also has lots of baby sitters lined up!  We also got some baby books, even some bilingual and Spanish only books, so I am super excited to do lots of reading with the baby!  All in all, it was an awesome shower and I am so grateful and blessed for all of these awesome friends and to have all of these women in my life! 

And in other news, I found a place to hang up Aunt Lindz' quilt she made the baby!  I was able to hang it and pin it right over our huge hanging picture frame of lots of photos (that didn't really fit in that room, but we didn't want to find a place to put them).  And it's right by the ottoman/glider where we'll be feeding/sitting with/rocking the baby and he'll be able to look at the animals and see the contrasting colors!  It looks great!

Hope everyone has a great week - I'll give a 35 week update in a couple of days now.  I know we're in the "home stretch", but I am definitely having anxiety attacks every once in a while wondering if we're really ready for a baby!  I know we're both excited and Travis has honestly been the greatest/best support in the entire world (and he ALWAYS gives me a back rub if I ask), but it's still a little scary to think about.  However, I know it's going to be awesome and we're going to have a lot of fun making memories and even when we make mistakes (not that our parents ever made mistakes with us...)  :)

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