Friday, October 22, 2010

37 weeks!

We have reached the magical "full term" week, the big 3-7!  This means the baby will probably come today or tomorrow... actually, it means that "even though your due date is three weeks away if you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb."  And of course depending on who you talk to, now is the time where you hear, "oh, you're fine if the baby comes out now" "well, I know you're tired, but it's really better if the baby stays in there until 40 weeks"  and "the baby will come when the baby wants to come".  And then there's the "don't get induced" club and then "get induced" club and these 2 clubs probably have some members from the "natural induction methods" club (which are "adult time", castor oil, spicy food, breast stimulation, jumping jacks among other things). 

The baby is between 6 and 6 1/2 pounds and is over 19 inches!  According to babycenter, many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blondes or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

I am sleeping well about every other day, so I will take what I can get.  I guess my body is trying to slowly get used to less and less sleep, right?  I bought a pair of maternity jeans last Sunday and I have rocked them twice.  People keep saying I won't get much use out of them and I hope they're right.  But with the weather cooling down (LOVE it) and the fact that I am not going to walk out of the delivery room as a size 4, I think I'll be able to use the jeans a little bit longer.  And hey, they could probably double as a new pair of "fat" jeans for those "fat" days.

Travis is hoping the baby waits 2 more Saturdays so he can be done with the super long bike rides.  I am hoping for this Thursday, October 28th, so I get my full 6 weeks of parental leave, but I'll take November 3rd or 4th too.  But the baby will probably be opting for a late check-out, so I am not going to get my hopes up.

Not too much else new.  The last 2 days haven't been bad at all.  I still have a lot of pelvic pressure, but I am getting more used to it.  Travis is training away.  We got him a road bike... so now we'll have 3 bikes hanging on the walls.  I love how he always tries to "sell me" on how good of a deal it is.  I'm glad we got the bike for a "good" deal, but let's just remember that no matter how much money you save, you could've saved more by not buying it.  However, he wants to try road races and just bike around town and cut back on the triathlons next year.  Who can argue with that?  And I went to Peru for a month.  Plus, he can pull the baby behind him in a burley when the time comes.  I expected it to be prettier than it is.  I'll get a picture up.  I don't think Travis really cares about the color of the bike, but I was expecting something flashier... 

We are making a top 5 baby name list this weekend.  It gets harder and harder.  I see so many names that I like that I can't narrow them down.  And every name I seem to like or suggest, Travis doesn't seem to like as much.  It's like when women were jealous that Travis (as a groom) had an opinion about most things for the wedding.  "That must be nice."  "Wow, I wish my fiance would have an opinion."  Really?  No you don't people.  Trust me, it's better if they don't have an opinion, well, maybe an opinion or 2.  Pretty sure this baby's name will be decided during the drive to the hospital. 

That's about all from us.  Have a great weekend!  Thanks again for all the messages and support, we really appreciate it!! 

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