Thursday, September 16, 2010

32 weeks and video of baby's room!

Well, the baby is growing a lot - according to babycenter: he weighs about 4 pounds now, which is almost 2 pounds more than he weighed last month.  Talk about a growth spurt (for both of us!)  He's ~16.7 inches long and is taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, he'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). His skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth.  As for me, I am still having some back pain, but it doesn't kick in until later in the day, which is good.  I am starting to lose some flexibility in my body and shaving my legs is definitely getting more difficult.  My heart burn also hasn't been as bad lately, but that may be partially due to my longer torso and the fact that I am carrying low, but I'll take it!

And we started baby classes (lamaze) last night at Chandler Regional.  We met some interesting people.  It does get a little tiring/discouraging hearing how painful labor is/will be, how it is all worth it in the end and watching graphic birth videos.  We did watch a birth video last night with the labor stages and Travis turned away at the birth part, but the baby exiting the body did out of nowhere.  Some older guy yelled out something very inappropriate, not swearing, but something that did not need to be yelled at that I am going to omit here, so that guy needs to grow up and I feel sorry for his wife...  So, if you haven't had the pleasure of watching a birth video, you can always go to and see one for yourself :)   We also saw pictures of how scrunched up the organs, including the stomach, get when you are pregnant.  Just crazy!

En otras noticias, we are getting more and more ready for the baby.  Step by step and little by little.  It still doesn't seem real to either of us, even though we can see that my stomach and other parts of me are growing and we see baby stuff throughout the apartment, I don't think we really "get it" just yet.  My friend, Rebekah, that lives down here and is 4 weeks ahead of me, went into labor today.  She texted me and said she was excited, but she wasn't sure what to do when baby Zane actually arrives - I think that sums up how we feel too.  We're excited to meet the baby, but actually taking the baby home sounds pretty scary.  It will be an adventure!

In awesome news, I met with my supervisor today about my maternity leave and my teaching schedule.  I will be teaching 2 courses online next semester and I will have virtual office hours and everything!!  In other words, we won't need daycare for the baby!  When I have my night classes twice a week, Travis will just plan on going to work early and coming home early to take care of the baby.  So that worked out wonderfully and we are super excited.  Also, my last day of teaching (unless the baby comes before then), will be Thursday, October 28th.  I'll start teaching online in mid January.  I know teaching all online will be a little stressful at first, trying to set up video chats with students, but I am very grateful at how supportive my supervisor is and at how flexible my teaching schedule will be!

Travis has started running again.  He's been out for almost 2 months with a foot injury.  It's made him a little more nervous for the ironman, but I think that he'll still do really well.  At least he's in shape cardiovascularly and he's really improved on the bike and the swim.  I think as long as he doesn't push it these last couple of months, that he'll do great. 

I'll end with a video of the baby's room.  We're pretty excited about it.  We have been doing good at cleaning up and making space (again, little by little). 

Baby's room from Holly Riley on Vimeo.

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