Monday, August 23, 2010

Hormonal Holly (& Travis) moments

Travis always compliments me about how well I handle pregnancy and tells me how thankful he is that he "doesn't have to put up with too many differences" with me.  However, we were reflecting this weekend about the whole pregnancy (we're still shocked we're in the third trimester and only have around 80 more days to go!) and we thought of a couple of incidents...

1. Holly's hair meltdown.  After looking at several pictures of friends and watching tv, I broke down because I'll never be able to grow my hair out past my shoulder (unless I do extensions).  And even though Travis says he loves short hair (thank you God for Travis and other men that like short hair), I called Travis almost in tears telling him how ugly my hair was and how much I hated my hair, etc.  Travis listened patiently at work and told me he loved my hair and that I always look good (like the nice guy he is) and then I hung up and called my mom, who could tell I was a basketcase, so she offered to get me a haircut at her salon in Billings, but I told her I would just suck it up and pay more for a real hair cut here.  And I got one and I love it and Travis loved it.  Situation solved.

2. Tripping over Travis' training items.  I normally don't just flip out and unleash on someone, but one night I tripped over Travis' sandals, shoes and workout bag which were all leading up to the kitchen (our apartment isn't huge or anything) and then Travis started laughing at me, which obviously made me really happy, so I literally picked up all the items and threw them in the middle of the floor (which helped....) and yelled/whined at him to start picking up his things bc I could barely see my feet anymore, how am I supposed to be able to see what's in the way on the floor, etc.  Travis tripped on his things the next morning, which actually didn't make me feel too much better, but proved the point when he realized I saw him trip.  However, that was about a month and a half ago, and looking around... well...  it's gotten a little better :)

3.  Holly & Travis moment (repeated).  Travis and I have been going through shock on and off about what is going to happen after the baby.  This involves me having visions of Travis leaving me every morning with the baby while he goes and works out and trains and Travis has visions of never leaving the house again.  Also, I stress about how I will finish my schoolwork for the semester, how we'll travel in the airplane, how we'll be able to do this and that, etc.  Travis stresses about getting home at a decent time, what we'll be having for dinner and how we'll be able to workout.  We both stress about how this will all play out, etc.  So what do we do?  Pray.  Because worrying does nothing.  And it will all work out.  And for all the people that ask us, didn't you think of this before, etc, etc.  Yes, we did.  And God has been really good to us so far and he will continue to be.  And even though we have no idea what will happen or how it will all be, people have had babies for centuries and people have been in a lot more difficult situations than us.  That being said, the unknown and uncertainty are always the hardest things to deal with, but such is life - you can't plan everything.  What's the phrase?  Life happens (I think there's a 4 letter word used with that one sometimes too).  All we can do is pray that God will take away the stress and worry and be done with it.  Easier said than done.

Well, that honestly wraps up any moments that really stood out and anything that we are currently struggling with pregnancy related.  We know that it will all work out and we are very thankful for our friends and family and for all of their advice/support.  We know this baby is a blessing and we are super excited to meet him in less than 3 months!  We have lots of fun ideas and are looking forward to all the (fun and not so fun) moments of parenthood!

Happy Monday and enjoy the rest of your week!

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