Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Parasites and bacteria, oh my!

Well, I've felt naseous for the last 6 weeks and have developed an extreme intolerance to milk products, so Travis told me I had a parasite living inside me.  We checked out WebMD last night (finally, I had really truly been ignoring this all and hoping that I was making it all up) and what do you know, my symptoms all checked out with having a parasite inside of my intestines.  Yum.  I grudgingly went to the doctor this morning and had a lot of blood drawn and received all sorts of tests back, all of which were either negative or normal.  So the doctor sent out for several more tests, including a high priorily (spelling? no clue...) test, because he strongly believes I have some weird bacteria growing in my stomach.  Luckily, I discussed this with my friend, Lea, who confirmed that she actually had that at one point and it is easily solved by medicines in a couple of weeks.  The bad news??  I won't get the test results till Monday because of the holidays?  The worse news??  We'll be in Mexico, so I won't be able to start any treatment till my follow up appointment on January 4th.  Sad day.  I have to admit, I have never felt this naseous and queasy in my life - I literally have to pause and take a moment and then continue on.  I know, poor me.  I really hope my symptoms subside over Christmas and over the vacation in Mexico - I am really looking forward to those 2 things!!  I am inserting a picture of me and Beth here at the Goodsell wedding this summer, because I found it on my computer today and it made me smile :)

So today's blog was a little depressing, but I really do still feel sick, it's just not fun.  But at least I know that next time I should listen to Trav and go into the doctor sooner and that I'm not a hypochondriac that manifests illnesses...  Chau!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that stinks! I hope you are feeling better and had a good Christmas and an awesome vacation in Mexico!
