Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some more pics of Tristan... and Seattle??

Here are some more pics of Tristan!  Travis has a couple of races coming up this weekend, he seems to really be into this criterion racing where they race around a track or a route as many times as they can in half an hour.  It's also the superbowl weekend, so we've been invited to a few houses, but Trav's races are a little late in the morning/early afternoon, so we're going to have to see what we can fit in! 

We're also thinking about going to Seattle, not sure if I can put the time in to train for a full marathon, but I don't think we'd go if I just did the 1/2, so we'll be making a decision here soon!  Per facebook I asked a bunch of other moms if Tristan would enjoy a trip to the zoo and the aquarium and everything and people said that yep, at 7 1/2 months babies love to watch things move, so he would have a fun time too (obviously not remember it, but having fun and stimulation is what we were going for)! 

Anyway, here are some recent pics of Tristan.  He is REALLY focusing a lot more lately and he is a very happy baby, he smiles all the time.  And even though I was worried for a while that he didn't know me or didn't look around for me, he certainly does now!  He is already showing some signs of preferring to smile to me instead of other people, lol, so when people come up to look at him, he looks at them and then stares at me as if to say, make them go away, Mom!  But he looks back and forth and after he gets used to them then he'll look at them, but he does keep glancing at me to make sure I'm still there too, lol.  Travis has noticed it a lot as well when we do our nighttime routine, Tristan likes both of us to be there, so if I step out to make bottles for the night, Tristan twists and squirms and wonders where I went (at least that's what we're saying for now...)  :)

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