Wednesday, November 3, 2010

39 weeks (tomorrow) the final countdown

Well, I had another doctor's apptmt today.  It was discouraging to say the least.  I have had regular contractions now that get stronger for an hour or two and then quit.  I was so proud of myself for never rushing to the hospital since it says to wait until they're 5 minutes apart for an hour... but I thought in the mean time my body was doing something!!  But nada!  My body didn't progress at all!  My doctor even said that she gave it the good 'ol college try and she was planning on trying to sweep my membranes if she could get in there, but nothing (she did 2 cervical exams)...  She pointed out that these things go from 0 - 60, but I am not going to be hopeful.  And no, I'm not to my official due date yet anyway, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't thinking my body was going to get there.  And yes, I know that most first time moms go late with their first baby, but that doesn't mean I didn't think I was going to be the exception for once.

Anyway, so thankfully I had a hair appointment scheduled for this afternoon.  At first I didn't want to go bc I was thinking we'd talk about the baby the whole time, but we actually only talked about the baby a little bit and I love my hairstylist (this is the 2nd time I've seen her) and she does an awesome job (look at that stomach!):

Anyway, it's hard to feel cute or attractive when you're this far along (at least for me), so it was a totally good pick me up from this morning's apptmt.  I'm sure when the baby's here I'll do my hair everyday ;)  Just like I do now...  The last couple of days I've been rushing around so much that I even forgot to just put on concealer and go.  One day I'll wear mascara and eye shadow again, probably never consistently, but I do on special occasions. I'm too lazy to spend time in the bathroom.  Travis always says he loves that about me, so I must look pretty okay without it, lol.  And the baby won't know the difference, right?  But my friend Kari always said that you should take a shower and get ready everyday (after baby is born) because you feel better about yourself and I totally believe her.  If I hang out in my sweats all day I do feel like a slob and I'm not very productive.

Oh, and I know I haven't had a hard pregnancy and I'm really not that uncomfortable most of the time, but the top sayings that are getting really old right now (even if they come from well meaning people) are "hang in there" "you're almost done" "you're going to miss being pregnant" "wow, you look like you're going to pop" "isn't that baby here yet?" "are you sure they didn't get the due date wrong, you're huge!" "you're so little, but you have this gigantic thing in front of you".  And the funny thing is, these phrases are only acceptable from certain people and the certain people change everyday, lol.  But I'm never mean about it bc I know people are trying to be helpful, so I just say, "yeah" "thanks" "I know, right?" "it's crazy", etc, in some robotic tone...

In other news, Travis went to the PT a couple of times and got a special training plan and has some more exercises added to the list.  I'm pretty sure he's the most consistent stretcher/icer/heater/roller and everything else when it comes to this training, which should help him out.  I don't think I realized how dedicated he was to training and everything until he started training for this race.  Now if only I could get him to do a house cleaning race and to train he had to pick up his stuff off the floor everyday!  Maybe he'd be really dedicated then!  Lol.  I really can't talk though, I'm pretty bad at crowding the table we eat at with papers and textbooks.  He says he's getting a little burned out (no surprise there!) by all of this working out, so I just laugh to myself being glad I'm not the one doing all of that.  I get burned out just training for a marathon, but for a full ironman, I can't even imagine! 

Oh, wait!  I forgot to mention my favorite question that everyone asks, "are you guys excited?"  And I honestly want to say "no" sometimes.  But my stomach is a huge focal point and it's a conversation starter, right?  I'm always, like, "yep, we're excited."  I really am just not one of those super giddy go pregnancy people, maybe next time around ;)

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week.  And if you get a chance, say a quick prayer or send some good thoughts or whatever you do that will inspire the baby to hurry up.  I think God is tired of hearing from me... LOL!

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