Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tristan un niñito charlatán (a very talkative little guy)

Tristan has been pretty sick for the last 2 weeks, but I think this cold is finally ending soon.  His cough is still pretty bad, but not as often.  However, he did lose his voice last week for 2 days.  He sounded like a poor little kitten meowing or trying to meow.  It was so sad I had to pick him up as soon as he started crying because it just broke my heart to see his sad face all scrunched up and then a little pathetic meow sound to come out of his mouth.

Anyway, ever since he got his voice back he's been "talking" up a storm.  He had started before he got sick, but now we are in full blown talking mode.  This morning he played in his crib for 20 minutes just saying "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" every other second for 10 minutes straight and kicking around and everything.  He does it at night too after we put him to bed and of course we have to have the monitor on, so Travis and I just sit there and kind of laugh and then get a little bit annoyed when it's been 15 minutes of that.  It's cute, but when you're tired, it gets a little less cute sometimes, LOL.  And with Travis sick (he's on antibiotics, so he should be better soon, but last night he was like, "come on, dude, it's bedtime!"  Pretty funny.  So, here's a video of him "talking" and him playing.  I know I commentate everything, lol, but he really is either camera shy or camera mesmorized.  As soon as he sees a camera or a phone he stops and just stares. 

This one is dark, but he was sleeping before and I didn't want to turn on the light:

Tristan "talking" from Holly Riley on Vimeo.

And here is one of him just playing:

Tristan playing from Holly Riley on Vimeo.

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