Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pulmonologist visit

Hola a todos -

Our visit to the pediatric pulmonologist went well.  Tristan has stridor and laryngomalacia.  (I made a link there, so you can read up on it).  Basically, laryngomalacia results in partial airway obstruction and causes the high-pitched squeaking noise when Tristan breathes in.  So what do we do?  We give it time.  The doctor said that Tristan will most likely outgrow this by his first birthday or by the latest, his second birthday.  He said it is harmless and won't develop into any further problems.  It is very common in infants and it is not hereditary or caused by something the mother did wrong - it is a congenital (present at birth) defect of the larynx.  The only problem is that it is aggravated by crying and I tell Tristan that, but I don't think he gets it just yet :)  The doctor told us to add 1/2 teaspoon - 1 tsp of rice cereal to his feedings to thicken the formula.  He said that will help to strengthen the muscles around there.  We have a follow-up appointment in 4 weeks and the doctor will assess if he needs to insert a tube in Tristan's nose and look down his respiratory tract.  The good thing to note is that Tristan does not have a long wheezing sound, which means he doesn't have a severe case of stridor.  So please keep Tristan and his health in your prayers!!

We hope everyone has a good weekend - we are going to try and catch up on some sleep and get the apartment organized :s 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you both & Tristan! Glad you could figure out what is up with the little guy and hope it resolves itself soon!

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas girl!
