Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back to school today

Yes, today started the first official day of the semester.  I took this picture of myself last year at Christmas on my mom's camera to see if my mom would notice and I found it in my pictures folder, so I decided to put it up.  It probably resembles what most of my students wanted to do to me today, so I figured it was appropriate. 

Anyway, I am already looking forward to find out who will be the next flirtatious frat boy that tries to "woo" me to get an 'A' (but fails in the end), the next sorority girl that can't stop texting all of her friends b/c OMG IDK where the party is and of course, the student that tries so hard but comes off a little pathetic, so you have to feel bad for him/her.  I am not being mean one bit at all, it seems that there are always the stereotypical students in each class, but there are also some really awesome students.  And sometimes, having the stereotypical students mentioned above just makes your day because you really cannot believe some of the things they say or do. 

I'll end with the story of my frat boy from last semester.  During class one time, in front of everyone he tells me that my haircut looks nice (awkward), then right before class ended (after I had already asked him if he was texting his girlfriend, to which he said yes, and I said, I think she can handle 50 minutes without you), he asked me if I was really going to assign reading and I looked at him and he said, it's just that I think I am going to be getting more practice tonight because I'm going to this place where there are lots of Spanish speakers and I said, that's good, you still have to do the reading and he said, well, I'll be reading in Spanish too, and I said, reading the menu at chipotle is not going to help you out for this exam and he said, well, I'm going to a nicer mexican place than that.  And I told him to leave and get the reading done.  S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y.  But he was only that obnoxious probably about once, maybe twice a month.

All in all, I'm excited for the new students this semester.  I think Travis is happy that I am going to be out of the house now.  But that only means that he is going to have to help clean more and make his own dinner 3 nights a week, lol.  He's already asked me what he's supposed to make for dinner, so it sounds like mac & cheese and spaghetti every other night for him.  But he's cooked real meals before from the cookbook, I think he just prefers not to cook.  We'll see how the kitchen looks when I get home from class :)

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