Friday, September 24, 2010

Dave Ramsey, baby and baby names.

These are pictures of us at 32 weeks (we took this last weekend when we got to see Mark and Deb Johnston and fam from Iowa).  It was a nice to see them, even if it was for a short time! 

Well, last night we went to see Dave Ramsey live here in Phoenix.  It was a great refresher course for us and we are almost done with our fully funded emergency fund (3 - 6 months expenses), we are just going to shoot for 3 months right now.  Then we'll be on to baby step 4.  It was also very loud in there with the speakers and the baby kicked and moved around pretty much the whole time.  Actually the baby stopped kicking for a while, but then this big lady yelled out a very loud whooping (happy) scream behind us and the baby really kicked, actually, he probably jumped, because I think it scared everyone in our row.  We didn't get home until after 10:30 last night, so we were both pretty tired this morning getting up at 5 am to take Travis to the airport.  He is in Emily and Ian's wedding this weekend, I'm bummed I couldn't go, I know it's going to be super fun!  But as my SIL Lindsey pointed out, it's good that Travis gets a fun guy weekend in before the baby comes and I know he's excited to see all of his friends up there and stay with Mitchell and friends.  I'll be happy when Travis gets back home safe and sound (I seriously never worry about him, but for some reason, I seem to be worrying more about things...)

I had my doctor's appointment this morning - everything looks perfect, I think they like to say perfect a lot with me, or they say, you're doing beautifully, lol.  It makes me giggle because it reminds me of all the birthing videos we've had to watch.  The baby and I are measuring exactly at 33 weeks, so he's about 4 1/2 pounds.  I thought the baby moved around a lot last week, but I can definitely feel him all the time now.  When the doctor was measuring my fundal height, the baby kept wiggling and pushing back and the doctor said that when there's a lot of pressure that's a good sign.  I wanted to tell him that well, then he can carry the baby around and feel lots of pressure in his abdomen all day... The doctor said I should be gaining around 1 pound per week now, 1/2 going to the baby, 1/2 going to fluid/me and that it should start to slow at 37 weeks.  I asked if there was anyway to tell how big the baby was now and he told me that I will probably deliver a 7 or 7 1/2 pound baby at most, so that didn't really answer my question, but he said they'd need to do an u/s for that and since it's not covered by insurance, we can hold out on that.  The baby will be here before we know it.  And on that note, the baby will hopefully have a name very soon.  I think it will come down to delivery day before we finally narrow it down, but we do have quite the list going, I think we have 18 names that we like, but nothing is really "calling" to us right now.  But now that we have a list I feel better and we'll figure it out soon - we still have another month until I am full term (37 weeks), so no big rush. 

The doctor also asked me to monitor the baby's movements, so I should feel ~10 movements every 1 1/2 hours he said.  I think we're doing A-okay in that department.

Have an awesome weekend! 

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